There is only one person in the entire Bible who is named Achan. The name is said
to mean trouble. Achan was an Israelite, of the tribe of Judah (Joshua 7:1). He lived
during the time when God's chosen people were about to enter the "Promised Land."
When the Israelites came against Jericho, God condemned the city to destruction along
with most of its material possessions. Only Rahab and her family were spared. The gold
and silver along with the vessels of brass and iron were consecrated for the treasury of
the Lord (Joshua 6:16-19). All other goods were to be destroyed.
Achan brought sin into the camp of the Israelites and even though God had given
them victory over the great city of Jericho, they were defeated by the little city of Ai and
thirty-six men were slain in the process (Joshua 7:1-5).
God told Joshua that the defeat was the result of sin in the camp (Joshua 7:1012).
God also gave them the process of discovering the guilty party and in the process, Achan
confessed his sin (Joshua 7:16-21).
Achan was held accountable for his sin and the people stoned him and all his
family (Joshua 7:22-26). His sin against God cost the lives of many men who died in
battle and all their families were lastingly affected by his sin, so as judgment, it cost him
and his family their lives. Yes, our sin does affect others!
In the distribution of lands in Canaan, two and one half tribes wanted to remain on
the other side of Jordan. As heads of the other tribes met with them the name of Achan
is mentioned (Joshua 22:19-20).
This lesson is about judgment for sins. From the beginning there were
consequences for sin (Genesis 2:17). In the days of Isaiah he warned the people of the
penalty for sins and promises for obedience (Isaiah 1:18-20). In the New Testament,
James had a similar message (James 1:22-25). May we take seriously the teachings of
God's holy Word and obey God rather than men (Acts 5:27-29).